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Kinemedics - Ottawa, Ontario

  • I was provided with their recovery pump for the 2019 outdoor season and promoted its uses and benefits on my social media. It helped me recover faster and on the go while I was competing abroad in Europe.

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Fatso High-Performance Peanut Butter - Victoria, B.C

  • 2018-Present partnership with Fatso - High-Performance Peanut Butter

  • 100$ month contribution(+ Fatso Merch) in exchange for brand representation and Instagram posts


Named to the 2020 Athletics Canada Relay Program and Canadian Athletic Performance Pathway (CAPP) program

  • The program’s purpose is: “To systematically guide and support Canadian athletes along a sustainable pathway to Olympic and Paralympic medals.”


Named to the Quebec Athletics Federation Excellence Program 2020-2024

  • One of only 24 athletes the Quebec Athletics Federation is prioritizing for training camps and competitions on the journey to the Tokyo and Paris Olympic Games.


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© 2023 Micha Powell

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